Laurie Martz Artist


About Laurie Martz

My work is in acrylic and mixed media, the subject being both intuitive and landscape inspired. I am influenced by the place I now live and love. I am so fortunate to have a bright ocean-side studio where I can paint while hearing the cry of the eagles and barking sea lions…

My art process has evolved over the last few years, with less recognisable landscape and more surprise as I paint. I may start out with a a question or an investigation, but where it leads arises from the work itself: a realisation that the painting directs me.

I paint from a sense of play, following my intuition. Colour and texture are the language of my work.

I layer collage and use tools for mark-making, then add and subtract to scrape away what’s not longer needed until the balance I’m looking for is achieved.

I notice in what comes out on the canvas that I am influenced both by the elements of landscape and by my emotions. My work shows the hiding and the reveal as it comes from the core that defines me and tells of my own interior landscape. Often figures and other images come up unexpectedly and lead me somewhere I wasn’t intending to go.

Retiring after a long career as a Family Physician, my art education has been mostly through experience and through workshops live and on-line. My work has been shown at both juried and community shows on the island and is in private collections in BC and across Canada.

I share my work with others to bring joy and beauty, and to let them see… the me inside. Art can often reflect the themes and questions of the world around… layered in complexity, seen and interpreted with a personal filter. I believe people see what they need to see, and that enriches their world.

Thanks for listening. Have a look at my work on the Gallery pages, and if you see something that interests you or if you have any questions I’d love to hear from you.

Studio visits can be arranged, and I deliver locally and can arrange to ship to further away if that’s required.

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